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Trauma Counseling And Management(Coun 402) Question Paper

Trauma Counseling And Management(Coun 402) 


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012


The paper consists of six questions.
Each question carries 15 marks.
Answer question one and any other three questions.

Question One
Why is the study of trauma counseling important to a counselor? (2 Marks)
Define the following concepts used in trauma counseling:
Traumatic episodes.
(2 Marks)
Acute trauma.
(2 Marks)
(2 Marks)

State any two factors that determine an individual’s resilience to trauma.
(3 Marks)

State two criteria of trauma according to the DSM IV diagnosis.
(2 Marks)

Question Two
Violence by a spouse can be very traumatic compared to violence by a stranger. Discuss.
(9 Marks)

What are some of the physiological and behavioral symptoms of spouse abuse?
(6 Marks)

Question Three
Kathambi is yet to come to terms with the realization that she HIV positive. The reality dawned on her a week ago after being tested at a VCT clinic.
Explain some of the emotional and cognitive reactions Kathambi could be experiencing.
(6 Marks)

How would you help Kathambi to manage her trauma?
(9 Marks)

Question Four
When his father died at the age of four years, little Kimeu did not know what was happening then, years after, he experiences bouts of persistent anger when other boys tease him that he not know have a father.
As a counselor how would you explain Kimeu’s problem. According to the DSM IV criteria what other symptoms could Kimeu be experiencing.
(9 Marks)
What could have been done differently to avoid Kimeu’s problem? (6 Marks)

Question Five
Men do not experience trauma. Discuss.
(9 Marks)

How can men be helped to cope appropriately with traumatic incidences.
(6 Marks)

Question Six
Debriefing does not make sense to everyone. Discuss.
(9 Marks)

How can a professional counselor maximize the benefits of debriefing?
(6 Marks)

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