Bibl 210: Redemption Story Question Paper

Bibl 210: Redemption Story 

Course:Bachelor Of Commerce

Institution: Kabarak University question papers

Exam Year:2012


DATE: 11/12/2012
TIME: 2.00 – 4.00 P.M.
? Answer QUESTION ONE and ANY TWO OTHER questions given below.

Christianity stands out unique among other world religions in its presentation of the redemption story
a. Discuss any two facts that make Christianity unique in its teaching on salvation
b. In all the four revolts in Genesis 3-11, God showed his concern and love by restraining
the power of sin in the world in various ways. State any four such ways.

c. Account for the origin of sin in Genesis 3(2Mks)

d. From a biblical perspective evaluate any two secular views of the origin of the universe(6Mks)
e. Explain the meaning of the phrases “her seed,” “He shall bruise your head” and “ nd
you shall bruise His heel” in Genesis 3:15 as they relate to Jesus(6 Mks)

f. Highlight the results of the Fall of man on the following:
i. Adam and man(2 Mks)

ii. Eve and women(2 Mks)

iii. Human race(4 Mks)
2. God was particular in his method of redemption
a. Define the term election(2 Mks)

b. Describe the particularistic aspect of God as discussed in Genesis 12-50(6 Mks)

c. Explain how Israel was to be a channel of redemption to the nations(8 Mks)

d. Draw four lessons from the failure story of Israel(4 Mks)
3. Purchase of salvation
a. State the significance of the virgin birth(3 Mks)

b. In a diagram show the coming of the kingdom of God in both the Old Testament and the
New Testament(8 Mks)

c. How is the universalistic concept of God portrayed in the visit of both the shepherds and
the wise men?(4Mks)

d. Giving scripture references show how the 6th fact of the proto-evangelium is fulfilled in
the universal triumph of Christ.(3Mks)

4. In the contemporary society the church is the channel through which redemption is proclaimed
in the world
a. Outline the task of the church as highlighted in Matthew’s Great Commission(4 Mks)

b. How did the apostles continue with the ministry of Jesus in the book of Acts?(4 Mks)

c. Discuss the universalistic aspect of redemption as discussed in the New Testament(8 Mks)
d. Compare and contrast the redemptive work in the Inter-Testamental period with that of
the early church(4Mks)

5. The completion of the redemption story should stir hope in our lives
a. What is rapture?(1 Mk)

b. Differentiate the Bema Seat and the Great White Throne(6 Mks)

c. Explain what will happen during the tribulation period(8 Mks)

d. `State the nature of the millennium(3 Mks)

e. Is God to be blamed for the eternal state of the non-believers?

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