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Introduction To Social Psychology(Coun 115)  Question Paper

Introduction To Social Psychology(Coun 115)  


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012


Answer any four question.
Question One
Distinguish between the terms sociology, psychology and social psychology.
Evaluate the significance of the topic "social psychology" in the counseling program.

Question Two
Discuss briefly any one of the theories is social psychology. (15mks)
Question Three
What do you understand by the term social thinking? Discuss the relationship between social beliefs, behavior, and attitudes. (15mks)

Question Four
Distinguish the terms
Social influence.
Discuss the causes of social influence.

Question Five
Discuss the term deviance and its relation to crime.
Explain the term "contral theory"

Question Six
Discuss any one theory of social psychology which best explains phenomenology. (15mks)

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