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Counseling Theories B(Coun 200) Question Paper

Counseling Theories B(Coun 200) 


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012


Answer any four questions
Each questions carries 15 marks.
Question One
According to Boy and Prine, 1983, Counseling without theories in both blind and dangerous.
State any five roles of theories in counseling.
Explain any recommendations any five challenges a counselor may face when practicing at the work place.

Question Two
It is essential for a counselor to be well equipped with the conceptual tools for understanding key developmental tasks of their clients.
Identify and explain the first three stages of psychosexual developments. (9mks)
State the impact of fixation during the first three stages, on adult personality.

Question Three
Carl Rogers in his person Centered Theory to counseling firm by maintained that human beings are resourceful, capable of self understanding and have a self actualizing tendency.
To what extent do you agree with the above assertion?
Explain with relevant examples some of the ways human beings can block their potential towards self actualization.

Question Four
According to behaviorists, human beings are producers and products of their our environments.
Explain your understanding of the above statement in relation to real life situations.
Using relevant examples, explain any three techniques you can use to modify clients behavior in a counseling sections.

Question Five
Explain how irrational thinking can lead to maladjusted behavior.
Explain any three ways a counselor can use to help a client dispute irrational beliefs.

Question Six
Person Centered theory assents that the core conditions are necessary and sufficient in a counseling relationship.
Explain the importance of the core conditions in a therapeutic relationship.
Outline any three situations in which the core condition may not be relevant in therapy.

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