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Theories Of Counseling(Coun 200)  Question Paper

Theories Of Counseling(Coun 200)  


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


Answer any three questions
Question One
Define the term ’ theory’
(2 Marks)

Outline five characteristics of a good theory.
(5 Marks)

Mention three functions of a theory in counseling.
(3 Marks)
Name five types of counseling theories the proponents and explain the main emphasizes about human beings for each

Question Two
Explain the term ’ecclectism’ in counseling.
(2 Marks)

Give an account of evolution of theories from the antiquated theories to modern theories.
(18 Marks)

Question Three
Discuss the key concepts and the therapeutic process of rational emotive behavior therapy by Albert Ellis.
(10 Marks)

Using A-B-C theory of REBT and a relevant example, show how a client with self-defeating beliefs can be helped in counseling.
(10 Marks)

Question Four
Explain the terms below as used in psychoanalysis
(10 Marks)
Free association
Analysis of transference
Dream analysis
Analysis of resistance
Discuss five ego defense mechanisms and give example for each. (10 Marks)

Question Five
Discuss five attributes a counselor should have and practice so as to provide good counseling environment and promote growth when using person-centered therapy.
(10 Marks)

Using the case of Linda (story attached) discuss how she can be helped using a person-centered therapy to overcome the following
(10 Marks)
Low self-esteem
Stagnation in life
Effects of divorce
Anti-social behavior

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