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Behavior Modification B(Coun 345) Question Paper

Behavior Modification B(Coun 345) 


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


Answer question one and any other three questions
Question One
Explain the following terms as used in behavior modification
Primary reinforcer
(2 Marks)
(2 Marks)
Aversive stimulus
(2 Marks)

Briefly explain any three areas of application behavior modification.
(3 Marks)

Explain any three principles underlying the use of classical conditioning.
(3 Marks)

Explain any three factors that may lead to behavior elapse
(3 Marks)

Question Two
Explain any three conditions under which behavior shaping works
(6 Marks)

Explain how you would use behavior shaping to help a client who has been immobilized by an accident start walking.
(9 Marks)

Question Three
Explain the difference between positive and negative reinforcement.
(6 Marks)

How can a teacher use reinforcement to facilitate behavior change in a classroom setting?
(9 Marks)

Question Four
Explain how maladaptive behaviors are acquired according to behaviorists.
(6 Marks)

Using a suitable behavior modification technique, explain how you can help a client overcome fear of darkness.
(9 Marks)

Question Five
Explain the role of irrational thoughts in the acquisition and perpetuation of maladaptive behavior.
(6 Marks)

How would you help a client overcome maladaptive behavior arising from irrational beliefs?
(9 Marks)

Question Six
What is the difference between a positive and negative punishment?
(6 Marks)

Explain any three conditions that may affect the effectiveness of a punisher.
(9 Marks)

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