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Health Psychology (Coun 414) Question Paper

Health Psychology (Coun 414) 


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


Answer question one any other three questions.
Question One
State two reasons why a counselor needs to study health psychology. (2mks)
Define the following terms as used in health psychology
Drug abuse.
Explain the relationship between health and psychology under the following headlines.
Direct pathway.
Indirect pathway.
A person’s health can be described as a continuum. Explain. (3mks)

Question Two
Discuss the biopsychsocial model of health.
Explain how gender may influence health and illness.

Question Three
Explain the general adaptation syndrome of stress by selye.
Three ways in which you would help people manage stress from a psychosocial approach.

Question Four
Discuss how lifestyle can be a deterrent to good health.
Explain how a counselor can help a client with poor health related to lifestyle.

Question Five
In almost all countries of the world life expectancy for women is higher than for men.
Explain three ways that can explain why women live longer than men.
Explain the differences in health concern between children and the elderly.

Question Six
Explain the wheel of change in relation to a specific unhealthy behavior.
Explain any three psychosocial factors that may promote change towards a healthful lifestyle.

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