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Personality Theory(Coun 220) Question Paper

Personality Theory(Coun 220) 


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


Answer any three questions.
Question One
What is the meaning of the term personality.
Explain why the knowledge of personality theories is important to a practicing counselor.

Question Two
Discuss the structure of personality according Sigmund Fruend. (15mks)
Explain the anal stage according to psychosexual theory of personality development.

Question Three
Discuss four factors necessary for learning in animals and humans according to Dollard and Miller’s personality theory.
Explain the following types of conflict
Approach – approach conflict.
Avoidance – avoidance conflict.

Question Four
Discuss how human personality develops according to cognitive theory of personality development. (20mks)

Question Five
Describe how the following personality assessment tests are applied in counseling
Thematic apperception test (TAT).
The sixteen personality factor inventory (16PF) .

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