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Supervision In Counseling(Coun 350) Question Paper

Supervision In Counseling(Coun 350) 


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


Answer any four questions.
Question One
Define the following terms as they relate to counseling supervision.
Counseling supervision
Co – counseling
Group task needs
Summative evaluation

Question Two
What is the difference between on-to-one workplace supervision and team supervision?
Describe the supervision process as suggested by Carroll (2003)

Question Three
Differentiate between authoritative and participative group supervision.
Evaluate any one psychotherapy based counseling supervision model.

Question Four
Name the seven dimensions of counseling supervision as suggested by Holloway (1995).
Describe counseling supervision resistance.

Question Five
Analyse any two observation methods of counseling supervision.
Describe any two legal and ethical issues that are critical to counseling supervision.

Question Six
Discuss any three elements of the supervision evaluation process.

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