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Career And Vocational Counseling(Coun 400)  Question Paper

Career And Vocational Counseling(Coun 400)  


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


Answer three questions.
Question One
Briefly explain any five benefits of career counseling in secondary schools.
Describe the vocational development stages according to Donald Super.

Question Two
Briefly explain how various jobs in Kenya are divided.
Ben graduated with Bachelor of business administration BBA from KEMU last year. He was encouraged to enroll for MBA but was reluctant instead he resorted to look for a job so that he can start working. Kindly identify and explain what motivated Ben to look for a job.

Question Three
Dr. Billy wants to establish a career resource centre (CRC) in his rural home after retirement. Kindly remind him of the six objectives he needs to consider.
State how college placement officers can help students.

Question Four
How can the management of an organization show that its concerned about the welfare of the workers.
By briefly explain basic coping skills for managing transitions. (10mks)

Question Five
Discuss the skills educationists and social scientists are expected to have. (20mks)

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