Abnormal Psychology (Coun 125) Question Paper
Abnormal Psychology (Coun 125)
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2013
Answer question one ''''''''''and any other three questions.
Question One
Explain your understanding of abnormality from a conceptual approach.
(6 marks)
State the disorders associated with imbalance of the following Neurotransimitters.
(2 marks)
(2 marks)
State the two ways through which mental illness may impact to an individual.
(2 marks)
Explain the view of abnormality according to
Behavioral approach
(3 marks)
Family therapy
(3 marks)
State any two misconceptions on mental illness and how they can be corrected.
(4 marks)
State the functions of the following parts of the brain
(2 marks)
Question Two
State and explain any three types of schizophrenia.
(6 marks)
Explain any two features (symptoms) that distinguish psychotic disorders from other mental disorders.
(6 marks)
Question Three
Explain the five axes of the DSMVTR.
(10 marks)
State the relationship between axis I and axis IV and use a relevant example.
(2 marks)
Question Four
Personality disorders are inherited discuss.
(6 marks)
Explain three characteristics of antisocial personality disorder.
(6 marks)
Question Five
State any three types of anxiety disorder and five two characteristics of each one of them.
(6 marks)
Explain three measures you would use to help a client with anxiety disorder.
(6 marks)
Question Six
Kwamboka has been experiencing low energy levels for 3 months since the cost her job. She has withdrawn most of the time though she has been known to be extroverted and when asked anything she answers in a monosyllable (No or Yes). When she sleeps, she only tosses in bed and remains awake the whole night. Her husband of five years complains that she has been sexually in active within the three month period and has lost substantial body weight.
Identify the disorder exhibited in this cast and explain any two ways of managing it.
(6 marks)
Apart from the reason mentioned in the case study. Explain her two probable causes of the above disorder.
(6 marks)
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