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Personality Theories (Coun 220)  Question Paper

Personality Theories (Coun 220)  

Course:Personality Theories

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


Answer question ONE and any other two questions.
Question One
Define the following terms
(2 marks)
(2 marks)
(2 marks)
Outline three reasons why the study of personality is crucial in psychology.
(6 marks)
Discuss the role of theory in understanding of personality.
(8 marks)

Question Two
Describe the structure of personality as outlined by the psychoanalytic theory of personality.
(10 marks)
Give a clinical analysis of the psychoanalytic view of personality development.
(10 marks)

Question Three
Explain four types of conflicts that individuals may experience in decision making.
(8 marks)
Using a diagrammatic illustration, discuss how the Maslow’s Hierarcy of needs influences personality development.
(12 marks)

Question Four
Describe the ’self concept’ as illustrated by Carl Rogers.
(10 marks)
Using examples, discuss five characteristics of actualizing individuals.
(10 marks)

Question Five
Name two main objective tests used in personality assessment.
(2 marks)
Describe how you can use the following projective tests in personality assessment.
Rorschach Inkblots.
(9 marks)
Thematic Apperception Test
(9 marks)

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