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Career And Vocational Counseling B(Coun 400)  Question Paper

Career And Vocational Counseling B(Coun 400)  


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


Answer any four questions.
Each question carries fifteen marks
Question One
Explain the term career & vocational counseling
(6 marks)
Justify the need for career guidance in primary schools.
(9 marks)

Question Two
Differentiate between modal personal style and modal personal orientation
(10 marks)
Discuss the concept of career life planning
(5 marks)

Question Three
Discuss the implications of career counseling theories on career and vocational guidance and counseling. (15 marks)

Question Four
Evaluate any five standardized tests useful in career and vocational counseling.
(15 marks)

Question Five
Analyze Donald Supers’ approach to career counseling (15 marks)

Question Six
Career counseling differs from one category of clients to another. Discuss (15 marks)

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