Comp 313: Software Engineering Question Paper

Comp 313: Software Engineering 

Course:Bachelor Of Computer Science

Institution: Kabarak University question papers

Exam Year:2012



DATE: 06/08/2012
TIME: 9.00 – 11.00 A.M.
1. This question paper has FOUR questions
2. Answer question ONE and any other THREE questions

QUESTION ONE (30 marks)
(a) One means of improving the system acceptability is to ensure that it meets the
customer’s expectation through fulfilling the established requirements. What are the
activities done to ensure that this is achieved?

(b) Explain the three categories of risks giving examples in each

(c) Describe, with examples, the factors that guide the choice of programming language

(d) A Web browser is a complicated program. It must deal with many types of data
(images, sound, etc.), support various network services and handle the many constructs
of HTML (the language in which Web pages are written). Your manager asks you to
lead a small group of programmers in implementing a Web browser. (i) Which model
would you choose for this development? Justify

(ii) What are some of the CASE tools will you require?


(e) Using the Boehm’s simple model for software estimation calculate the effort of the
project given the size as 1000LOC

(f) Explain the steps involved in the spiral model

(g) Explain decomposition technique as an option of software estimation.
(h) What are the difference between requirements analysis and requirement specification


QUESTION TWO (20 marks)
(a) You are a project manager for a development organization. You have been asked to
lead a team that is developing Employees management system. Create a risk table for
the project

(b) What are the differences between functional and non functional requirements? Give
examples of statements in each.

(c) Explain any four criteria used to define effective modular system
(d) What are some issues that need to be addressed when conducting a feasibility study?

(e) Explain the activities involved in risk projection


(a) A guidance system for an interplanetary probe is to be developed that that will take a
decade to complete. What would be the suitable model to use to develop this system?
Explain how development will proceed under this model

(b) List and explain any three software reusable resources

(c) Explain any two benefits of software architecture

(d) How does an SRS provide a baseline for validation and verification? (2mks)
(e) You have collected all the information required in the development of a proposed
system. Explain the things you consider in designing that system.
(f) What is the difference between reverse engineering and reengineering
(g) Differentiate between coupling and cohesion and desired state of each

QUESTION FOUR (20 marks)
(a) Development Company uses organizing principles that scales down to provide simple
project plan for simple projects. What are some of the questions that needs to be
answered in order to develop a project plan(any three)

(b) A developer will work to address occurrence of faults during maintenance from the
errors that were not fixed during testing phase. What is the difference between faults
and errors

(c) List down any four challenges encountered during requirement elicitation (4mks)
(d) Explain the linear sequential model of software development. What are some of its

(e) What are the signs of a software project in jeopardy(any four)

(f) Software maintenance takes the lion’s share in the cost of development. Explain some
of the challenging problems encountered during maintenance


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