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Computer Networks/ Principles(Dbit 210/Dcis 121) Question Paper

Computer Networks/ Principles(Dbit 210/Dcis 121) 

Course:Computer Information Systems And Business Information Technology

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1
a) Explain the meaning of the following terms:
i) Data communication (2Marks)
ii) Protocol (1Mark)
iii) Digitization (1Mark)
iv) Multiplexing (1Mark)
v) Routing (1Mark)
b) Give the advantages and disadvantages of using satellite transmission (4Marks)
c) Briefly explain how a modem functions? (2Marks)
d) What are the basic functions of a network server? (2Marks)
e) Explain the primary function of a client/server system? (2Marks)
f) Compile a list of Local Area Network support devices. (2Marks)

g) What are the main differences between circuit-switched subnets and packets-witched subnets? (4Marks)
h) What are the different techniques you can use to authenticate a user in a computer network? (2Marks)
i) List and explain any two functions of a Local Area Network (4Marks)
j) List and explain any two transmission media used in computer networks. (2Marks)

Section B

Question 2
a) List and briefly explain four applications of data communication. (4Marks)
b) Illustrate and explain any two geographical network topologies. (4Marks)
c) Explain the differences between a hubs, bridges and switches. (6Marks)
d) List and explain any two standard system attacks to computer network. (4Marks)

Question 3
a) Compare and contrast fibre and copper wires as media for data transmission. Give advantages of fibre cable over copper wire. (6Marks)
b) Explain the following network technologies. (4Marks)
i) Token Ring
ii) WAP
c) In the data link layer list and explain briefly the functions of flow control (6Marks)
d) Briefly explain the concept of Carrier Sense Multiple Access protocol. (6Marks)

Question 4
a) Differentiate between a repeater and a bridge as components of the physical layer of the OSI reference model. (4Marks)
b) Connectionless oriented service is found on the network layer, briefly explain and give an example of such a service. (4Marks)
c) OSI reference model. List and give the functions of each of the layers. (6Marks)
d) Explain the peer to peer model and list the pros and cons of the model. (4Marks)

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