Introduction To Computer System(Dbit 120) (Dcis 101) Question Paper
Introduction To Computer System(Dbit 120) (Dcis 101)
Course:Computer Science & Business Information
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2012
Question One (30 Marks)
Explain what is a computer system.
(3 Marks
Discuss FOUR different application software available and give heir functions.
(12 Marks)
Discuss the types of operating systems and FOUR functions of operating systems.
(9 Marks)
Discuss how the following document manipulation can be done:
(6 Marks)
Copying a file
Deleting the file
Renaming a file
Question Two (20 Marks)
Describe and draw diagrams to illustrate FOUR different network topologies.
(6 Marks)
State ONE advantage and disadvantage of the topology described in Question Two Part (i).
(4 Marks)
There are ten employees in a local estate agent’s office. Each employee uses a networked PC on a Local Area Network (LAN). Give TWO benefits to the office of using a network rather than stand-alone PCs.
(2 Marks)
Describe THREE different types of network.
(3 Marks)
Question Three (20 Marks)
Explain the difference between data and information.
(2 Marks)
Explain the concept of how data generated is converted to information by a computer system. Use a diagram to explain your explanation.
(8 Marks)
Differentiate between a client /server and stand alone computer. (3 Marks)
Describe the following signal transmissions mechanism.
(2 Marks)
Question Four (20 Marks)
Describe THREE advantages and limitations of computer system.
(6 Marks)
Draw a block diagram of computer system.
(4 Marks)
Discuss the function of different units of computer systems.
(5 Marks)
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