Database Management Systems (Dcis 200)  Question Paper

Database Management Systems (Dcis 200)  

Course:Computer Science And Business

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012


Answer all questions in section A and any other two in section B.
Question One
Define the following terms
Database management system
Primary key
Explain any four reasons you would advance to an organization in order to encourage them to automate their database management process. (5mks)
Explain the concept of normalization and highlight its main goal and benefit in database design.
Briefly describe the role of the following people
Database designer
Database administrator
Database user
Highlight four challenges that may be encountered as a result of poor database design.

Question Two
Define the term database management system.
Explain any four parts of a database management system environment.

Question Three
Define the term entity relationship model.
Explain the relationship between entity relationship model and the design of relational databases.
Using the examples of student and book as entities of a system show the attributes of each and give a primary key for each.

Question Four
Why is it necessary to specify data types during database design? (4mks)
Suggest suitable data type for the following attributes as maybe used in Microsoft access.
Date of birth
Marital status
State any three main roles of a database administrator and show what these roles entail.

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