Computer Hardware And Maintenance (Cisy 303) (Dcis 103) (Dbit 123) Question Paper
Computer Hardware And Maintenance (Cisy 303) (Dcis 103) (Dbit 123)
Course:Computer Science & Business Information
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2012
TIME : 2 hours
Question One
A computer system is made up of four hardware components. Name the four components and explain the function for each.
(6 marks)
(i) What is a form factor?
(2 marks)
(ii) Describe any three form factors. (6 marks)
Name at least four characteristics to look for when purchasing a surge suppressor.
(4 marks)
What is the major difference between SPRAM and DRAM.?
(4 marks)
Define the term Drive Controllers.
(2 marks)
Write the following abbreviations in full.
(6 marks)
Question Two
Define a Computer Bus
(2 marks)
Bus structures are named according to their functions. Discuss three types of Bus Structures.
(6 marks)
Describe the term DMA
(2 marks)
Give the DMA channel number that is used to "Cascade link between dual DMA controllers or link between the two DMA controllers and explain how it works.
(5 marks)
Question Three
Explain the following external power problems and recommend a possible solution to each.
(6 marks)
Power Surges
Black out
Lighting Strikes
Define the term trouble shooting
(1 marks)
Discuss three standard approaches to trouble shooting.
(6 marks)
In disk management, Drive mapping is common occurrence, explain what it involves.
(2 marks)
Question Four
Listed below are processor related problems, identify a possible cause for each problem and recommend a possible solution.
System is dead, no cursor, no beeps, no fan
System beeps on start up, fan is running, no cursor on screen
System powers up, fun is running, no beep or cursor
System won’t start up after a new is installed
System appears to work, but no video is displayed
(5 marks)
Distinguish between serial and parallel processing.
(4 marks)
Define IRQ’s
(2 marks)
What is IRQ conflict.
(4 marks)
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