Office Application (Dbit 126) (Dcis 107) Question Paper
Office Application (Dbit 126) (Dcis 107)
Course:Computer Science & Business Information
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2012
Answer question one and any other two questions.
Question One
Define the term system software.
(2 marks)
Give any three examples of word processing software.
(3 marks)
State any five database functions in excel.
(5 marks)
What is an Electronic Spreadsheet and is it the same as Microsoft Excel.
(4 marks)
Define the following terms:
(2 marks)
Database Management System
(2 marks)
Primary Key.
(1 mark)
What is the main difference between:
Note Pad and Word Pad
(2 marks)
Microsoft Word and Note Pad
(2 marks)
Microsoft Word and Word Pad
(2 marks)
Explain the difference between application software and system software giving examples.
(5 marks)
Question Two
Outline the steps needed to perform the following in MS-WORD.
Selecting a line of text using a mouse.
(2 marks)
Saving a document.
(2 marks)
Bolding and underlining an already existing text.
(2 marks)
Indenting a line in a paragraph.
(2 marks)
Creating a header, footer for the document.
(2 marks)
What is the function of mail merge?
(2 marks)
Briefly describe the major steps in mail merging.
(5 marks)
Briefly explain the following LAN; MAN; WAN.
(3 marks)
Question Three
Give five characteristics of a good spreadsheet software.
(5 marks)
Explain the formula shown as used in excel.
(3 marks)
=A2 + A3 + A4
Explain the steps for inserting a chart in excel
(4 marks)
You are doing a presentation and at the middle of the presentation you realize you have left out a slide. How would you add a new slide to the existing slides?
(4 marks)
Indicate the keyboard shortcuts for the following.
(4 marks)
Redo or repeat an action
Check spelling
Save a document
Question Four
Explain the steps for creating a form in access?
(4 marks)
What are the advantages of using Microsoft Visio
(5 marks)
Give five advantages of using Ms. Outlook
(5 marks)
Explain the three types of relationships in Ms. Access
(6 marks)
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