Project Management (Dbit 222) (Dcis 203) Question Paper
Project Management (Dbit 222) (Dcis 203)
Course:Computer Science & Business Information
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2012
Answer question one and any other two questions.
Question One
(i) What is a project?
(1 mark)
(ii) What are the main attributes of a project? (3 marks)
Discuss how the following tools can aid project management.
CASE tools
(4 marks)
Project Management Software.
(4 marks)
Explain five personal characteristics of a good IT project manager.
(5 marks)
Describe four risks that could affect an IT project.
(4 marks)
Explain three factors that help projects to succeed.
(3 marks)
Highlight the phases in a traditional project life cycle.
(6 marks)
Question Two
Explain the purpose of project testing and who should carry it out.
(8 marks)
Explain the responsibilities of the following project management roles.
Project assurance
Steering committee
Project manager.
(12 marks)
Question Three
Determine the project duration and the critical activities for a project with the following set of data.
(10 marks)
Activity Dependency Duration
A 4
B 3
C A 2
D A 5
E B 2
F C 3
G D 2
H E 1
I F,G,H 3
(b) Describe the factors that you would consider when allocating staff to a
Project task. (10 marks)
Question Four
Explain five techniques that can be used to identify the cost of a project.
(10 marks)
Explain the methods of "going live" with a new computer application.
(10 marks)
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