Information Systems Management(Dcis 204) (Dcis 224) (Misc 033)  Question Paper

Information Systems Management(Dcis 204) (Dcis 224) (Misc 033)  

Course:Computer Science & Business Information

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012


Question One
Replacing a manual system with a computerized system can have a welcome consequences. Describe six of these consequences.
(6 marks)
Explain how ICT can help in the structure of telecommuting.
(12 marks)
Differentiate between intranet and extranet.
(2 marks)

Question Two
How do you use is to gain completive advantage?
(8 marks)
Briefly explain the following terms
Information system
Data mining
(8 marks)
Differentiate between data and information
(4 marks)

Question Three
Explain the various stages of decision making in organization.
(8 marks)
Differentiate between the various levels of management found in organizations.
(8 marks)
List four characteristics of good information.
(4 marks)

Question Four
Differentiate between the following types of information system.
Transact processing system
Decision support system
Management information system
(12 marks)
Describe four reasons that are important in the success of organizations.
(8 marks)

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