Advanced Web Design (Dcis 221) Question Paper

Advanced Web Design (Dcis 221) 

Course:Computer Science & Business Information

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012


Answer all questions.
Question One
Define XHTML.
(2 marks)
Write a short code showing "Hello World" using HTML
(5 marks)
State the three ways to use CSS and how they are used.
(5 marks)
Write five steps used in JavaScript to display in HTML.
(5 marks)
Define PHP.
(2 marks)
State five ways that JavaScript is written to make user’s browser unusable.
(5 marks)
Write an example of a non procedural SQL code.
(6 marks)

SECTION B (Answer any two questions)
Question Two
Define Database security and database integrity and describe the database integrity affecting a Database.
(10 marks)
State the limitations of SQL and then possible solutions.
(10 marks)

Question Three
Write a short code in PHP showing Hello World.
(5 marks)
Write an example of a code in PHP illustrating making monsters.

(5 marks)
Using CSS write two short codes using class and ID.
(10 marks)

Question Four
Using a diagram illustrate HTML DOM: Document Tree
(10 marks)
State five basic document constructs available in HTML and what they are used for.
(10 marks)

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