Operating Systems(Dbit 125) (Dcis 201) Question Paper
Operating Systems(Dbit 125) (Dcis 201)
Course:Computer Science & Business Information
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2013
Answer question one( compulsory) and any other two questions from section II
Question One (30 marks)
(8 Marks)
1/0 boundness
CPU bondedness
Repose time
Explain the producer – consumer problem
(6 Marks)
At what time (when) do CPU scheduling techniques take place
(4 marks)
Explain the three levels of scheduling.
(6 Marks)
Use a well labeled diagram. Explain the abstract view of a system
Question Two (15 marks)
Distributed systems
(5 marks)
Parallel systems
(5 Marks)
Reel time systems
(5 marks)
Question Three
Explain virtual memory
(2 Marks)
What is the need for virtual memory?
(6 Marks)
How is virtual memory implemented
(4 Marks)
Discuss demand paging
(3 Marks)
Question Four
What do you understand by CPU scheduling?
(3 marks)
Explain the CPU scheduling objectives.
(12 Marks)
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