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Computer Networks(Dcis 121) (Dbit 223)  Question Paper

Computer Networks(Dcis 121) (Dbit 223)  

Course:Computer Science & Business Information

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


Answer question one and any other two questions
Question One
I) Distinguish between bound and unbound transmission media
(2 Marks)
ii) Describe with the aid of a diagram any four forms of unbound transmission media (8 Marks)
Distinguish between a hub and a repeater as network hardwares.(4 Marks)
(i) Outline two popular standard bodies that deal with computer networks
(ii) Describe two standards that are commonly used in computer networks. (6 Marks)
(i) Outline four advantages of computer networks.
(ii) Outline four disadvantages of computer networks. (4 Marks)
(i) Define topology as applied in computer networks
(ii) Distinguish between mesh topology and fully connected topology (6 Marks)

Question Two
Describe with the aid of a diagram
(15 Marks)
(i) Define LAN technology
(ii) Distinguish between token ring and slotted ring (5 Marks)

Question Three
A company is planning to utilize computer networks to boost its competitive edge in dynamic environment. They approach you to advice and design for them a computer network. They request you to advice the following topologies, king, bus star.
Describe the key factors that you would highlight as the strength and weakness of the said topologies.
Describe with the aid of a diagram the said topologies
(20 Marks)

Question Four
With the help of a diagram describe the ISO/OSI reference model.
(14 Marks)
State and briefly describe three application layer protocols use in computer networks.
(6 Marks)

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