Advanced Web Design (Dcis 221) Question Paper

Advanced Web Design (Dcis 221) 

Course:Computer Information Systems And Business Information Technology

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


Instructions: Answer ALL Questions in SECTION A and any other TWO in SECTION B
Question One
Differentiate between HTML and XML.
(4 Marks)
State THREE tags use in HTML.
(3 Marks)
Define CSS and state two of its uses.
(3 Marks)
Write a short code script of how IDs are used in CSS.
(5 Marks)
State the FIVE steps used in Javascript to display a HTML document.
Write a code in javascript that displays "Hello World".
(5 Marks)
Define PHP
(2 Marks)
Write a code to display "Hello World" in PHP.
(3 Marks)

Question Two
State and explain the structure of a HTML document.
(6 Marks)
Write a short program in HTML to display "Hello World"
(5 Marks)
Differentiate between the P tag and H tag and write short codes of how each is used in a HTML document.
(9 Marks)

Question Three
Illustrate the document tree (DOM) using a diagram and explain its various components.
(10 Marks)
State FIVE basic objects built into javascript.
(5 Marks)
Write a javascript code showing how you can use javascript in a HTML document.
(5 Marks)

Question Four
Write a code in PHP that dynamically sets and accesses variables.

Explain THREE advantages of CSS.
(5 Marks)

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