Computer Hardware And Maintenance (Dbit 123) (Dcis 103) Question Paper

Computer Hardware And Maintenance (Dbit 123) (Dcis 103) 

Course:Computer Science And Business

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


INSTRUCTIONS: Answer question one is compulsory. Answer any other two questions.
Question One
Define a computer system.
List five main characteristics of computers.
Differentiate between data and information.
With the aid of well labeled diagrams discuss the three network types citing two advantages of each.
What is a computer virus.
What is power on self test (POST) and what does it test? List four peripherals.

Question Two
Discuss the following types of backing storage and give their advantages.
Magnetic tapes.
Magnetic disks.
Optical disks.
What are the major functions of operating systems?
What does WIMP stand for?

Question Three
An organization XYZ wants to buy a computer to help in designing of their presentations to their potential clients. To present the designs affectively, voice production is required:
Describe three hardware equipment, besides those required by an ordinary PC, that the organization will need to buy.
Discuss two software that are required for successful design and presentation of the products.
List three types of motherboards.
List five ways of avoiding computer viruses.
Write down the procedure of formatting a hard disk.

Question Four
Identify three threats to internet security and briefly describe solutions to these threats.
Distinguish an active attack from passive attack to security.
Briefly describe the four types of system maintenance.
What is system software?

Question Five
Discuss the following computer components
Power supply unit
Input device are connected to a computer via a port (receptacle). Name the three problems faced by the parts.
Discuss computers under the following classifications
By purpose.
By size
By processing

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