Computer Operating Systems(Dbit 125) (Dcis 106) Question Paper
Computer Operating Systems(Dbit 125) (Dcis 106)
Course:Computer Science And Business
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2013
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer question one and any other two.
Question One
Define the term operating system.
Give a detailed account on lifecycle of a process.
(i) What do you understand by the term deadlock.
ii) Discuss in detail the various conditions that lead to deadlock occurrence. (8mks)
Explain the following concepts as they apply in operating system. (8mks)
Load balancing algorithm
Give a brief account on the four goals of scheduling.
Question Two
What is a kernel?
It is said that the Kernel is responsible for system resource management. Briefly explain four basic services provided by the Kernel with relevant examples.
Compute resource protection involves two basic parameters. Identify these parameters and give a detailed explanation on how the user exercises their operations.
Define the following terms.
Demand paging
Question Three
(i) What is an interrupt?
ii) How is it handled within the computer system? What is its benefit within the computer system? (4mks)
Some network services allow the resources of a compter to be accessed transparently. Briefly explain five advantages of transparency as it applies to distributed operating system.
Briefly explain the functions of the following.
Question Four
The following series of processes with the given estimated routine arrives in the ready queue in the order shown, for FCFs and shortest job scheduling policies. Calculate the waiting time and Walt/routine ratio for each process. Comment on the results of both.
Job estimated routine
1 10
2 50
3 2
4 100
5 5
What two events can cause a process to lose control of the processor? Explain.
Many computer system. Designers rely on the following measures of system performance.
Response time
Resource utilization
Briefly explain each of the above measures system performance. (6mks)
Question Five
Describe how a file directors system can be organized into a tree structure and explain the advantages of such arrangement.
What gain is achieved by double buffering as opposed to single buffering? Briefly explain.
What is the meaning of the following terms?
Virtual device
Device driver.
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