Office Applications(Dcis 107) (Dbit 126)  Question Paper

Office Applications(Dcis 107) (Dbit 126)  

Course:Computer Science And Business

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


Question One
Define the following terms:
Quick access toolbar
Highlight the steps of creating and printing an envelope in mail merge.
Describe how to save a document using a password.
How would you insert a comment to a word document?
Explain briefly two database features of Ms-Excel.
State and briefly explain any three items found in a Ms outlook screen.
List four publication that can be created using Ms-publisher. (4mks)

Question Two
What are the steps for starting a publication from scratch using Ms publisher.
Adding number is one of the most common things you want to do using a spreadsheet. Explain how you can add your data with autosum. (5mks)
State the steps of creating a new message to one of the students in class C it to the course lecturer using Ms outlook.

Question Three
Briefly explain the steps followed to create a table and type text into using Ms Publisher.
State the two ways of sorting data in Ms-excel.
What is an address book in Ms-outlook and what is the role.

Question Four
Explain how one would perform the following in Ms-excel.
Edit a cell content using the formula bar.

Sorting a list using more than one field
State the steps of attaching a file in Ms-outlook.
Describe what the following terms mean in Ms word .
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