It User Support(Dcis 205)  Question Paper

It User Support(Dcis 205)  

Course:Computer Science

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


INSTRUCTIONS : Answer Question One (Compulsory) in Section A & any other TWO Questions in Section B
Question One
Define the following terms:
Computer programs.
Differentiate between data, information and software.
Write the following abbreviations in full.
Describe what is meant by the words.
Information technology
Information system
List at least FOUR resources that users need.
Name SIX classifications of end users.

Question Two
List FIVE pointing devices.
List examples of how organizations provide user support functions.
Explain what is meant by ergonomics and explain some examples of ergonomics problems in an organization.
List some alternative career paths for user support workers. (5marks)

Question Three
Define what is meant by a computer virus and explain THREE examples of a computer virus.
Explain FIVE factors to consider on selection of a computer system.

Question Four
List TEN examples of end-user application software.
Explain some of the problems that computer end users experience.

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