Computer Hardware And Maintenance B(Cisy 303) (Dcis 103) (Dbit 123) Question Paper
Computer Hardware And Maintenance B(Cisy 303) (Dcis 103) (Dbit 123)
Course:Computer Science And Business
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2013
Question One
What precautions should one take when connecting data cables to the mother board and its associated devices?
What is the function of a CPU?
List two types of twisted pair cables.
Expand the following acronyms.
e) Differentiate between AT and ATX. (4mks)
f) List any two precautions that a technician would take when working on a P.C. (2mks)
g) List and explain with examples input and output devices used in a PC. (6mks)
h) What is the difference between primary and secondary memory. (2mks)
Question Two
It is of great importance to have a systematic routine while disassembling a computer to avoid problems. Describe this disassembly routine. (9mks)
Give an explanation, diagnosis and recommendation for the following problems in computer hardware.
Power supply not functioning
No video displayed
No bios start up screen
Question Three
List and explain any three kinds of cables and their parts that are associated with communication between more than two computers. (6mks)
List and explain any three expansion buses that are found on mother boards.
Differentiate between a surge suppressor and an uninterruptible power supply.
Question Four
Using an illustration, show TEN different components of a mother bound providing the functions of each of the components.
Distinguish between the bios and CMOS.
Question Five
List and explain the steps one would follow in troubleshooting a keyboard that is not functional.
Discuss the application areas of the following
Anti static wrist strap.
Antistatic mat
Hand hold vacuum cleaner
Multi meter
Protocol analyzer.
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