Emerging Technology In Ict (Dbit 227) (Dcis 206) Question Paper
Emerging Technology In Ict (Dbit 227) (Dcis 206)
Course:Computer Science And Business
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2013
SECTION A: Answer all questions
Question one
Define ICT.
Describe the RDF syntax.
Define web 2.0.
Differentiate between e-commerce and e-business.
State five constraints for growth of e-banking.
State four ways cellular technologies has revolutionized distribution of information.
Using ITU definition categorize the three telecommunication services. (3mks)
State five challenges of software information system implementation. (5mks)
SECTION B: Answer any two questions
Question Two
State five uses of web 2.0.
Explain the main limitations of PC-based internet in ICT. (10mks)
Describe the disadvantages of smart phones.
Question Three
Explain the convergence of telecommunications and computing in ICT trends in education.
Explain the critical success factors in ICT access to community. (12mks)
Question four
Explain why changes are being made to implement software information system in higher education institutes.
Using a diagram differentiate old economy relations and new economy relationship.
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