It Project Management(Dbit 222) (Dicis 203) Question Paper
It Project Management(Dbit 222) (Dicis 203)
Course:Computer Science & Business Information
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2012
Instructions: Answer Question ONE and any other TWO Questions.
Question One (30 Marks)
Identify and explain the criteria that can be used to measure the progress of a project.
(5 Marks)
Describe the steps followed when drawing a network diagram.
(4 Marks)
Explain how the risks of personality incompatibilities among project team members can be avoided.
(5 Marks)
Briefly describe the following project management concepts.
Configuration Management.
(2 Marks)
Project costing.
(2 Marks)
Post Implementation Review.
(2 Marks)
(e) You are an IT manager responsible for selecting a project manager for an MIS development project. Describe the principal skills and qualities you would expect the project manager to possess. (5Marks)
Explain FIVE factors that help Projects succeed.
(5 Marks)
Question Two
A division of a large organization has been split off to form a separate company. The new company requires its own financial accounting system and a decision has been taken to obtain a suitable "off-the shelf" package.
Explain the sequence of activities that would be needed in a project which evaluates, selects and acquires the financial accounting software from as external vendor.
(12 Marks)
Explain the activities needed to make the selected package operational.
(8 Marks)
Question Three
Describe the steps that can be taken to monitor & control the quality of products created by a project.
(10 Marks)
"When taking action to bring a project back on course, the project manager needs to consider the balance between time, cost and quality". Explain this statement.
(5 Marks).
Discuss the limitations of using network activity diagram as a planning tool.
(5 Marks)
Question Four
A commercial enterprise, ’Company x’ is to implement a new computer based accounting package that will replace an existing out of date system that had been developed internally. The new application will be provided by an outside software supplies ’Company Y’ who will customize a standard product in order to meet the particular functions required by ’Company x’. a project is set up which will include the modification. The end of the project will be when the system is first used operationally.
Identify and explain the management roles and organizational units which will be required for this project.
(8 Marks)
Identify other groups of people (in both company x & Y, or elsewhere) apart from the roles identified in (a) above who might be involved in implementing the project. Make clear the nature of the tasks they would undertake. (8 Marks)
Specialists and staff from different departments and from other organizations have to be brought together to work on the project. Explain four obstacles to effective team working.
(4 Marks)
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