Information Systems Management(Dbit 224) (Dcis 204) (Misc 033) Question Paper

Information Systems Management(Dbit 224) (Dcis 204) (Misc 033) 

Course:Computer Science And Business

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012


Question One
Define an information system and describe the role they play in a firm/organization.
Explain who a manager is and his/her three roles.
Distinguish between "Data and information".
Differentiate between open and closed systems.
Explain three characteristics of relevant information for a manager. (3mks)
Explain any three threats to information system in an organization. (3mks)
Discuss the five most common features of organizations that are relevant to information systems.
What are the roles of an MIS in an organization?

SECTION B: Answer two questions
Question Two
It has been said in some quarters that any organization that will ignore IT will basically not survive, which I want to believe you also agree with. Discuss the strategic roles of Is in organization and business firms today.
Replacing a manual system by computerized system can have certain unwelcome consequences. Suggest five different examples of these unwelcome consequences at least three of which should be social and at least two economical.
Many businesses now expect their employees to work at home and go to the office only occasionally. Explain how IT can help with this mode of working.

Question Three
Explain two advantages and two disadvantages of being able to work from home or far away from office for
An individual
The company
How do you use IS to gain competitive advantage.

Question Four
Briefly explain the following terms:
Data mining’s
Information system
Describe the four reasons that make information technology important to the success of a business.

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