Introduction To Computer Systems (Cisy 101) (Dcis101) (Dbit 120) Question Paper

Introduction To Computer Systems (Cisy 101) (Dcis101) (Dbit 120) 

Course:Computer Science And Business

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012


Answer question one and two others.
Question One
Identify and explain the basic components of a system unit.
(9 marks)
Explain two advantages and disadvantages of customized software.
(9 marks)
Distinguish between a line printer and a page printer.
(8 marks)
Convert the following number bases.
110011102 divide by 110012.
(4 marks)
2F16 covert to octal.
(4 marks)
0012 to Base16 hexa decimal.
(2 marks)

Question Two
Describe four types of memory.
(4 marks)
Explain purpose of BIOS in computers.
(4 marks)
Explain the fetch execute cycle.
(6 marks)
Briefly explain the advantages of high level language over those of low level languages.
(6 marks)

Question Three
Trace the History of the computer operating systems.
(8 marks)
Computer software can be classified into three main classes. Identify these and give an example.
(6 marks)
Briefly classify computer system.
(6 marks)

Question Four
What is file organization?
(3 marks)
Explain how file organization affects the access method.
(3 marks)
Briefly explain memory hierarchy.
(8 marks)
Explain the system development life cycle.
(6 marks)

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