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Knowledge Management (Bbit 426) Question Paper

Knowledge Management (Bbit 426) 

Course:Computer Information Systems And Business Information Technology

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1
a) i) Explanation the following terms:
• Knowledge
• Knowledge .Management (4marks)
ii) Outline any Four Dimensions of Critical Success factors of Knowledge Management (2marks)
b) Explain the challenges during the process of managing knowledge (4marks)
c) ‘Debating that knowledge management “is” or “is not” is pointless’: Explain is the meaning of the above statement. (3marks)
d) Outline any three reasons of the importance of Knowledge management(3marks)
e) Davenport et al. (1998) describe four broad objectives of knowledge management systems in practice: State these objectives (4marks)
f) Explain any THREE common challenges of Knowledge management (3marks)
g) Knowledge Management results are best realized through the successful accomplishment of Knowledge Delivery. Explain the process of Knowledge Delivery. (4marks)
h) Explain the task of a Knowledge worker. (3marks)

Question 2
a) Drucker(1999) defines six factors for knowledge Worker productivity. Describe any Five of these factors. (10marks)
b) A resent breakdown of knowledge work shows activity that ranges from tasks performed by individuals knowledge workers to global social networks. This framework spans every class of knowledge work that is being undertaken. There are seven levels of Knowledge work. Explain any FIVE of these. (10marks)

Question 3
a) i) There exists a classification of the types of knowledge management tools. State any Five such tools.
ii) Describe briefly each of the above named tools. (10marks)
b) Describe, in general terms, how introduction of data warehouse system with data mining facilities may help an organization to improve its position in the marketplace. Give appropriate examples. (10marks)

Question 4
a) Discuss the dimensions of critical success factors affecting knowledge management system implementation. (10marks)
b) Discus in more details the various stages of knowledge management. (10marks)

Question 5
Discus the following in relation to Knowledge flow:
a) Knowledge flow through a citation network
b) Knowledge flow spirals and their effect in science
c) Services provided by an e-science environment (20marks)

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