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Artificial Intelligence( Bbit 221) Question Paper

Artificial Intelligence( Bbit 221) 

Course:Computer Information Systems And Business Information Technology

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE in Section A and any Other TWO Questions in Section B


Question 1
a) Describe the Turing test highlighting its contribution to the field of AI (6marks)
b) Briefly explain the meaning of the following statements as used in AI:
i) Thinking humanly (2marks)
ii) Acting humanly (2marks)
iii) Thinking rationally (2marks)
iv) Acting rationally (2marks)

Question 2
a) Explain the main components of an expert system (5marks)
b) Differentiate between the following:
i) predicate logic and propositional logic (2marks)
ii) Modus Ponens and And-Elimination (2marks)
iii) Knowledge representation and knowledge acquisition (2marks)
c) Describe the role of each component of a general learning model and why it is needed for the learning process (5marks)


Question 3
Describe in detail any five applications of Artificial Intelligence in the world of business (20marks)

Question 4
‘An agent perceives it environment through sensors - which gives rise to percepts- and acts on the environment through effectors’.
a)Define the terms in italics in the above quotation and say how these terms apply when the agent is a security system. (8marks)
b)Discuss the role of the agent’s knowledge of the environment in the rationality of the agent. (4marks)
c) Explain the concepts programs with internal states and utility based agent in the context of agents. (4marks)
d) An agent’s environment may be described as episodic and discrete. Describe these terms giving examples of agents and their environments. (4marks)

Question 5
a) Explain the concept of search and how any problem can be thought of as search problem. (4marks)
b) Explain the different search techniques that could be used for looking a name in a paper based telephone directory. (5marks)
c) Define the terms: initial state, search state, operator, goal test and path cost function. (5marks)
d) Sketch an algorithm for a breadth first search (6marks)

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