Knowledge Management(Bsis 433/Bbit 425) Question Paper
Knowledge Management(Bsis 433/Bbit 425)
Course:Information Science
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2010
INSTRUCTIONS Answer THREE Questions in Section A and TWO Questions in Section B
Question 1
The following terms are central to the understanding of the knowledge management concept. Define each of the terms and explain how it relates to knowledge management in an organization of your choice.
a) Management
b) Information
c) Data
d) Information dissemination
e) Knowledge based system. (10marks)
Question 2
Explain the concept of “knowledge economy” and show how it can influence the management of an organization of your choice. (10marks)
Question 3
Briefly explain the consequences of digitizing indigenous knowledge in the context of knowledge management in Kenya today. Illustrate your answer with examples. (10marks)
Question 4
a) Identify TWO Types of knowledge (2marks)
b) Briefly describe the TWO knowledge types and recommend how an academic institution should handle each in the process of managing institutional knowledge. (8marks)
Question 5
Briefly describe the role of information and communication technology in knowledge management in one large organization in Kenya. Illustrate your answer. (20marks)
Question 6
Understanding knowledge requires one to appreciate that knowledge in organizations takes many forms. Discuss illustrating with examples. (20marks)
Question 7
Describe with illustrations a major role that each of the TWO common methods of acquiring knowledge plays in knowledge management in an academic organization. (20marks)
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