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Introduction To Business Information Systems(Bbit 111 / Dbit 101) Question Paper

Introduction To Business Information Systems(Bbit 111 / Dbit 101) 

Course:Computer Information Systems And Business Information Technology

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1
a) Describe five computer generations. (5marks)
b) Explain any three possible features of a micro computer and ICT in future. (3marks)
c) Discuss any four impacts of computers in the society. (4marks)
d) Give four advantages of using word processor over type writer. (4marks)
e) What is a computer virus? And give three examples of viruses. (4marks)
f) Differentiate the following types of memory RAM and ROM. (4marks)
g) Explain three threats to data and information and their control measures. (6marks)

Question 2
a) Differentiate between data and information. (2marks)
b) Differentiate between Information system and information technology. (2marks)
c) Discuss the major roles of the information systems in business. (6marks)
d) Discuss any five types of information systems in supporting and enabling business core processes. (10marks)

Question 3
a) Define the term computer. (2marks)
b) Describe the distinguishing characteristics of the following memory types: static RAM and DRAM. (4marks)
c) Define the term operating system and outline four functions of operating system. (5marks)
d) Explain any four classifications of input devices citing examples. (4marks)
e) Explain four factors to consider while selecting a computer hardware and software.(2marks)
f) Explain why a secondary memory acts as a supplement of the main memory. (3marks)

Question 4
a) Explain any four registers in the CPU which help in execution of an instruction (4marks)
b) Discuss any three problems with the use of internet within organizations. (6marks)
c) Explain the two importances of networks citing two examples. (4marks)
d) Outline three types of network topologies, giving each its advantage and disadvantages. (6marks)

Question 5
a) Define the term application software citing two examples. (3marks)
b) Explain three characteristics of good and effective information.. (3marks)
c) Distinguish between internet and World Wide Web. (4marks)
d) Describe the following terms as they are used in the internet.
i) Surf
ii) Downloading
iii) Inbox (6marks)
e) Explain the following types of memory: PROM, EPROM, EEPROM and Flash PROM (4marks)

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