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Operating System(Bbit 222 / Cisy 201) Question Paper

Operating System(Bbit 222 / Cisy 201) 

Course:Computer Information Systems And Business Information Technology

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE in Section A and any Other TWO Questions in Section B

Question 1
a) What are the advantages and disadvantages of batch systems? (5marks)
b) Describe paged memory allocation concept and its two disadvantage (5marks)
c) Explain the abstract view of a computer system. (5marks)
d) Differentiate between Best fit and first fit as used in, Dynamic Variable partitioned memory strategies for selecting free memory blocks (4marks)
e) What is circular wait, and how can it be avoided as a cause of deadlocks in resource allocation (5marks)
f) Describe Three factors that determine the access time of an optical storage device, and how are the factors related (example CD-ROM) (6marks)


Question 2
a) Discuss in details the various historical developments surrounding the operating systems. (10marks)
b) Discuss the various functions of operating systems. (5marks)
c) What is virtual memory management and what are its advantages? (5marks)

Question 3
a) Differentiate between Internal and external fragmentation as used in memory as used in memory as used in fixed partitioned memory allocation (4marks)
b) Differentiate Single contiguous and fixed partitioned memory (6marks)
c) Describe the term locality of reference as used in memory management (5marks)
d) State the Process States that are encountered by the process schedule (5marks)

Question 4
a) Explain Three examples of multilevel queues found in operating systems (6marks)
b) Describe Three categories of system devices (6marks)
c) Briefly explain the various direct methods to prevent deadlocks (8marks)

Question 5
a) What is an Operating system, Justify why it is important to study this subject (4marks)
b) Consider the jobs below along with their arrival time and a time slice of 4 milliseconds. Calculate the Average turn around time and Average waiting time. (Use Round Robin Algorithm). (10marks)
c) Briefly discuss the three CPU scheduling Algorithms. (6marks)

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