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Object-Oriented Analysis And Design(Bbit 224 / Cisy 411) Question Paper

Object-Oriented Analysis And Design(Bbit 224 / Cisy 411) 

Course:Computer Information Systems And Business Information Technology

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1
a) Define the following terms in object orientation (8marks)
i) Interface
ii) Collaboration
iii) Use case
iv) Active class
v) Component
vi) Node
vii) interaction
viii) method
b) Describe the relationship between class and object as used in object orientation (4marks)
c) Distinguish between the following terms as used in object orientation (6marks)
i) association and links
ii) sub-class and super-class
iii) coupling and cohesion
d) Describe the benefits of object oriented analysis (4marks)
e) Why is modeling important in object oriented design (4marks)
f) What are the goals of UML (4marks)

Question 2
a) Briefly describe the following object orientation concepts (8marks)
i) Dependency
ii) Associations
iii) Generalization
iv) Realization
b) Distinguish between class and object diagrams (2marks)
c) An applicant submits license application. An officer validates application. An applicant tracks license status until an officer approves and prints the license. An applicant receives license from officer. Draw use case diagrams to represent this scenario (10marks)

Question 3
a) Describe the following object orientation principles (8marks)
i) Abstraction
ii) Encapsulation
iii) Modularity
iv) Hierarchy
b) Distinguish between sequence and collaboration diagrams (2marks)
c) In a license tracking system, an applicant requests track status and the system displays logon. An applicant enters logon and submits to the system. The system validates applicant and displays tracking form to the user. The user enters and submits tracking number. The system retrieves and displays license information. Draw a sequence diagram for this scenario (10marks)

Question 4
a) Describe the following concepts (8marks)
i) Polymorphism
ii) Realization
iii) Actor
iv) Behavior
b) Distinguish between attributes and operations as used in class diagrams (4marks)
c) The license client requests track information from web application. The system retrieves license information and displays license information to the client. Draw a collaboration diagram for the above scenario (8marks)

Question 5
a) Distinguish between component and object diagrams as used in object oriented design (4marks)
b) Explain why a class diagram is also called a structural diagram (2marks)
c) Describe the purpose of a class diagram in object oriented design (4marks)
d) In a shopping mall, a customer can make an order for items. The management keeps records of the customer as well as orders. A customer can make special as well as ordinary order. The customer can send and receive order while the management can confirm, close or dispatch order. Construct a class diagram to represent this scenario (10marks)

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