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Multimedia Systems(Bbit 322 / Cisy 426) Question Paper

Multimedia Systems(Bbit 322 / Cisy 426) 

Course:Computer Information Systems And Business Information Technology

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010

INSTRUCTIONS Answer ALL Questions in Section A and TWO in Section B


Question 1
a) Discuss three uses of multimedia in society today. (3marks)
b) Which are the two basic types of audio? How would you differentiate them? (4marks)
c) Why is 8 bit GIF referred to as one of the most important file formats? (2marks)
d) What type of pixels do digital cameras use and which additive color do they extrapolate most? (3marks)
e) What does the term HDMI stand for? (2marks)
f) Name any two parameters that are used to compare digital video specifications. (2marks)
g) What does the term signal to noise ratio (SNR) refer to? (2marks)
h) Where is the term psychoacoustics used and what is its aim? (3marks)
j) Which multiple standards does MPEG represent? (3marks)
k) Name any three data compression methods of compressing text or programs. (3marks)
l) Briefly describe what predictive encoding entails; hence give an example of one standard that has been defined using predictive encoding. (3marks)

Question 2
a) Discuss any two transition periods in the history of multimedia, describing a key addition/feature from one transition to the next. (8marks)
b) Describe three key differences between web-based multimedia and CD-based multimedia. (6marks)
c) Text is described as the basic element of multimedia. Which three elements of text are needed to make an effective multimedia program? (6marks)

Question 3
a) What does the term user interface mean? (2marks)
b) Describe any four principles of making a good user interface. (8marks)
c) Which are the colors referred to as subtractive colors and where are they mostly used? (3marks)
d) What color(s) do you get when you mix the following:
i) Cyan and yellow. (2marks)
ii) Blue and red. (2marks)
iii) Magenta and cyan (2marks)
e) What kind of vision does the human eye have under low light conditions? (1mark)

Question 4
a) Under which circumstances is lossless data compression normally used? (2marks)
b) Briefly describe how run-length encoding works, giving a suitable example. (8marks)
c) Discuss by means of a diagram how JPEG image compression occurs. (10marks)

Question 5
a) Briefly describe three hardware devices used to capture multimedia elements. With each device name the multimedia element(s) captured and describe how the captured images can be fed into a computer. (8marks)
b) Discuss four criteria used in evaluating authoring tools. (8marks)
c) Which compression standard(s) does High Definition TV (HDTV) use for video and audio respectively? (4marks)

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