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Distributed Systems(Cisy 432/Bbit 413) Question Paper

Distributed Systems(Cisy 432/Bbit 413) 

Course:Computer Information Systems And Business Information Technology

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE in Section A and any Other TWO Questions in Section B


Question 1
a) Define the term transparency in the context of distributed systems (3Marks)
b) Explain four types of transparencies. (4Marks)
c) Differentiate between synchronous and asynchronous remote procedure calls. (4Marks)
d) State four advantages of main memory caches in managing distributed file system (4Marks)
e) Explain consistency as used in distributed systems. (3Marks)
f) During the design and implementation of replication in a distributed system, there are a number of issues that must be addressed. State any four such issues. (4Marks)
g) Differentiate between strict and sequential consistency models. (4Marks)
h) State any four challenges in the design of scalable distributed systems. (4Marks)


Question 2
a) State and explain the four server side Berkeley sockets primitives. (4Marks)
b) Describe two weaknesses of the sockets approach to message oriented communication. (4Marks)
c) Describe four quality of service (QoS) requirements for continuous data streams. (8Marks)
d) Explain any four basic interface primitives in a message queuing system. (4Marks)

Question 3
a) Fault tolerance in distributed systems is closely tied to system dependability. Explain the four requirements that define system dependability (8Marks)
b) Describe three types of failures that may occur in a distributed system. (6Marks)
c) Describe the two popular deadlock prevention schemes in transaction processing. (8Marks)

Question 4
a) With the aid of a well labeled diagram, describe how connectionless communication proceeds between a client and a server when using sockets. (6Marks)
b) Consider a remote procedure product(x,y) that takes two integer parameters and return their product as a result. Given that the procedure’s implementation is in a server machine and the call is made from a client machine, explain with the aid of a diagram the steps involved in doing a remote computation with RPC (8Marks)
c) Explain any three issues/challenges in the implementation of RPCs. (6Marks)

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