Ethical And Societal Impacts Of Ict (Bbit 412) Question Paper
Ethical And Societal Impacts Of Ict (Bbit 412)
Course:Computer Information Systems And Business Information Technology
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2010
INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE in Section A and TWO from Section B
Question 1
a) Explain the following terms
i) Ethical behaviour
ii) Value system
iii) Intellectual property (6marks)
b) Outline four roles of professional codes of conducts (4marks)
c) Explain how a patent can be obtained in Kenya. (4marks)
d) State two advantages and two disadvantages of licensing ICT professionals (4marks)
e) China is one of the countries that fully controls what its citizens access on the internet. Explain two merits and two demerits of this move. (8marks)
f) Africa has been used as a dumping place for used electronic devices like computers . Explain the short term and long term solution for this problem. (4marks)
Question 2
Discuss any four ethical theories that have been used for ethical analysis and their relevance (20marks)
Question 3
Discuss the impacts of digital divide and how the Government of Kenya is addressing it (20marks)
Question 4
Scenario 1
In a company, a clerk develops a computer program in his spare time (lunch breaks) that could be of significant value to his employer. His employer claims ownership of the programs on two grounds
• That the program is related to his normal activities as an employee
• That the employee used the companies equipment when creating the program
Scenario 2
In the same company, a computer programmer moves to another company taking with him a program that was under development.
Discuss the legal, moral and ethical issues involved in both scenarios (20marks)
Question 5
a) State three advantages and three disadvantages of the following:
i) Open source software
ii) Contemporary software
b) Explain four computer crimes currently facing the ICT industry (20marks)
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