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Distributed Systems Bbit (413 / Cisy 432) Question Paper

Distributed Systems Bbit (413 / Cisy 432) 

Course:Accounting, Finance& Investments

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE (compulsory) and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1
a) Define the following terms. (4marks)
i) Client-Server Model
ii) Attenuation
b) The concept of transparency can be applied to several aspects of a distributed system. Briefly differentiate the following three aspects of transparency: (6marks)
i) Location transparency
ii) Migration transparency
iii) Relocation transparency
c) Briefly describe three features of a distributed system. (6marks) With aid of suitable diagram describe the organization of multiprocessor operating system. (4marks)
d) Briefly describe blocking in synchronisation of interprocess communication. (2marks) e) Discuss two methods of digital signaling. (4marks)
f) In a network, several switching techniques are used, packet switching and circuit switching the most common. Differentiate between the two. (4marks)

Question 2
a) Services are implemented as server processes in separate host computers. The servers interact to provide services to their clients. Partitioning or replication may be used in the servers. Differentiate between the two. (8marks)
b) With the aid of a diagram explain the OSI model. (12marks)

Question 3
a) Elaborate on the following terms.
i) client-server model (5marks)
ii) horizontal distribution (5marks)
b) Services or applications are classified according to whether the quality of service they provide is reliable or unreliable. Briefly explain what reliable and unreliable services are, providing their features, advantages and disadvantages. (10marks)

Question 4
a) State and explain five main motivations of moving to a distributed system. (10marks)
b) Explain briefly how the following communication models function.
i) remote procedure call (5marks)
ii) remote method invocation (5marks)

Question 5
a) Providing an example, define the term distributed database. (4marks)
b) Explain any three characteristics of distributed database management system. (6marks) c) Briefly explain the following terms:
i) process
ii) threads (4marks)
d) Give the difference between web proxy and service by multiple servers. (6marks)

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