Object-Oriented Analysis And Design(Bbit 224) Question Paper
Object-Oriented Analysis And Design(Bbit 224)
Course:Computer Information Systems And Business Information Technology
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2011
INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions
Question 1
a) Explain why students of Business Information Technology should study project management (6marks)
b) Using examples, explain the importance of project planning and management (4marks)
c) Discuss the key components of project appraisal and its importance in community development projects using examples. (10marks)
d) Using relevant illustrations, explain five stage which are involved in project cycle (10marks)
Question 2
a) List and explain any five factors that a project feasibility study should consider (10marks) b) Distinguish between a project and a program (5marks)
c) Define a project highlighting its core aspects (5marks)
Question 3
a) Distinguish between functional aid project team organizational structures (10marks)
b) Assuming you are project managers in institute upgrading programmes in Kenya, executive using examples, the various skills that you should possess (10marks)
Question 4
A project was started in 1999 with the aim of making billing services quick and effective to the customers of KPLC Garsen Division. The project to install a system that will enhance this started as planned but stated a few months later. Explain the factors that might have lead to the failure of the project (20marks)
Question 5
a) Highlight social analysis principles which relates to guiding good practice (10marks)
b) Describe the elements of a good social impact analysis (10marks)
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