Advanced Database Systems(Bbit 423) Question Paper

Advanced Database Systems(Bbit 423) 

Course:Computer Information Systems And Business Information Technology

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1
a) What do you understand by the term “Distributed Database”? What is its significance when applied in a given business enterprise? Clearly explain five principle objectives of distributed DBMs (10marks)
b) Explain the following as they have been used in database security (10marks)
i) Proxy servers
ii) Firewalls
iii) Digital signature
iv) Kerberos
v) Digital certificates
c) During the processing of the 2-phase commit protocol, what does the co-coordinator process do if it is informed by a local resource manager process that it was unable to force write all log entries for the local resources used by the transaction out to its own physical log? (5marks)
d) Describe five principle functions of a database administrator (5marks)

Question 2
a) Why is it sometimes said that client/server computing improves the scalability of applications? Explain (5marks)
b) Define replication and fragmentation. What problems are associated with data replication and fragmentation in a distributed database environment? (5marks)
c) What is data mining? How is it used in the business world? (5marks)
d) Discuss the functionality of data transformation in a data warehouse system (5marks)
Question 3
a) What are the main benefits of using DBMs to manage data in applications involving extensive data access (6marks)
b) What is the use of SELECT statement in DBMs? Give the syntax of SELECT statement and explain the various options (4marks)
c) How can a three-tier client. Server architecture be used to implement a web database? Use a diagram to illustrate your concept (10marks)

Question 4
a) What is given processing? Briefly explain the five steps involved in given processing as used in query processing as used in RDBMs (5marks)
b) What are keys? State and explain two differences between a primary key and secondary key as they are used in ADBMs (3marks)
c) What is a gateway in a web database application and why is it needed? (4marks)
d) What are the problems you may encounter in the process of data mining? Explain four of the problems (4marks)
e) What is dynamic webpage? What are its characteristics? Explain? (4marks)

Question 5
a) A web database application comprises of four major layers. State and explain clearly the functions of each and every layer in a web database environment (8marks)
b) Explain the different transactions. State with the help of a detailed diagram (5marks)
c) State and explain four factors of security threats of the database? Discuss in detail the access control measures of which provide security of data in the database (5marks)
d) What is a data mart? What are the draw backs of using independent data marts (2marks)

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