E Commerce (Bbit 325 / Cisy 428) Question Paper
E Commerce (Bbit 325 / Cisy 428)
Course:Computer Information Systems And Business Information Technology
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2011
INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions
Question 1
a) Explain the following terms giving examples on how they relate to the digital edge;
i) E-Commerce
ii) Supply Chain
iii)Value chain (9marks)
b) Write short notes on the following
i) Wikileaks
ii) Intranet
iii) Search engines
iv) VPN (12marks)
c) Discuss the two types of Encryption standards; Symmetric and Asymmetric encryption. (5marks)
d) Outline four important issues related to trust that should be addressed in e-payment systems. (4marks)
Question 2
a) There are more web sites than the number of people connected to the internet. Discuss factors that would make one website enjoy a higher hit ratio than others. (6marks)
b) The government of Kenya wishes to encourage e commerce in many ways, it recently has appointed a secretariat to spear head this task. As a member of the task force recommend systems and models based on e commerce that will enable the government collect taxes from e commerce based transactions. (6marks)
c) Use a diagram to describe the three tier architecture for E-commerce (5marks)
d) Discuss the role of Intrusion detection system clearly highlighting the Privacy concerns it may bring. (3marks)
Question 3
a) Discuss the impact of Ecommerce to organizations. (5marks)
b) Research shows that there are many surfers who initiate web based transactions, unfortunately over 50% of these transactions fail to progress to their full cycle and terminate somewhere along the way. Discuss at least 5 possible reasons for these terminations. (5marks)
c) Based on your reasons in (b) above recommend solutions to encourage successful completion of e commerce based transactions. (5marks)
d) Briefly explain four characteristics of a successful e-payment method. (5marks)
Question 4
a) Define the terms as they relate to E commerce
i) E-marketing.
ii) Banner adverts
iii) Interstitial adverts (6marks)
b) Differentiate between traditional marketing and e-marketing. (4marks)
c) What are the advantages of e-marketing over traditional marketing? (6marks)
d) Outline at least four measures of web site effectiveness. (4marks)
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