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Software Engineering Principles(Bbit 326 / Cisy 112) I Question Paper

Software Engineering Principles(Bbit 326 / Cisy 112) I 

Course:Computer Information Systems And Business Information Technology

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE (compulsory) in Section A and any Other TWO Questions in Section B

Question 1 a) i) What is a software process model? (2marks)
ii) Explain any three software development models and measure against desirable characteristics of good software development process. (6marks)
b) i) Describe the two types of software products. (2marks)
ii) State and explain four attribute of good software. (4marks)
c) State and explain the four professional and ethical responsibilities that software engineers should adhere to in their discipline. (4marks)
d) Software verification and validation is intended to show that a system conforms to its specification and that the system meets the customer’s expectation. Briefly explain three types of software testing. (6marks)
e) How does the throwaway prototyping method differ from the exploratory prototyping ? (2marks)
f) Mention any two advantages of object oriented design over functional oriented. (2marks)
g) What would you consider to be the functional requirement for KEMU student payment system. State any two. (2marks)
Question 2
a) “Change is inevitable” state and explain three causes of change in requirements engineering. (3marks)
b) Outline the various stages of requirements engineering. (4marks)
c) Requirement elicitation is one of the most difficult stage of requirement engineering. Discuss five problems associated with the stage. (5marks)
d) Describe the following design activities and mention how you apply software engineering principles on each. (8marks)
i) Architectural design
ii) Data design
iii) Procedural design
iv) Interface design

Question 3
a) State and explain any two software quality management activities. (4marks)
b) Describe the concept of re-use based software engineering. (2marks)
c) What is configuration management (CM)? (2marks)
d) Distinguish between a version and a release in reference to CM (2marks)
e) Explain the differences between validation and verification. (4marks)
f) Software maintenance refers to modifying a program after it has been put into use. Explain any three types of software maintenance. (6marks)

Question 4
a) Explain any two merits and demerits of software standards. (4marks)
b) Describe any four estimation techniques. (8marks)
c) Define the following terms. (8marks)
i) Software products
ii) Software engineering
iii) Project management
iv) Risk management

Question 5
a) The management of documents is important in all disciplines and particularly so in software engineering. End users must be trained to use newly developed software. Discuss the merits or otherwise of the software team developing the training materials, rather than employing technical authors (8marks)
b) Explain the following design issues (12marks)
i) Abstraction
ii) Information hiding
iii) Modularity
iv) Functional independence of modules

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