Object Oriented Analysis And Design(Bbit 335) (Cisy 411) Question Paper
Object Oriented Analysis And Design(Bbit 335) (Cisy 411)
Course:Computer Science
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2012
Answer question one and any other two questions.
Question One (30 Marks) – Compulsory
Explain how polymorphism and encapsulation can lead to reusability.
(4 Marks)
Explain three advantages of object-oriented analysis and design.
(3 Marks)
Distinguish between the following and give examples:
(4 Marks)
Aggregation and composition.
Object model and sequence diagram.
Object and class.
Extension use case and inclusion use case.
Explain four advantages of a use case.
(4 Marks)
Describe the elements of unified process.
(6 Marks)
Explain how functional independence of modules is desirable in achieving highly modular systems.
(4 Marks)
The following is a use case scenario for a seminar enrolment system:
1. Student inputs her name and student number.
2. System verifies the student is eligible to enroll in seminars. If not eligible then the student is informed and use case ends.
3. System displays list of available seminars.
4. Student chooses a seminar or decides not to enroll at all.
5. System validates the student is eligible to enroll in the chosen seminars. If not eligible, the student is asked to choose another.
6. System validates the seminar fits into the student’s schedule.
7. System calculates and displays fees.
8. Student verifies the cost and either indicates she wants to enroll in the seminar and bills them for it.
9. The system prints enrolment receipt.
Identify the classes and draw a class diagram showing the relationships and their multiplicity. (5 Marks)
Question Two (15 Marks)
The following is a case study for course registration system:
At the beginning of each semester, students may request a course catalogue containing a list of course offering for the semester. In addition, course catalogue includes information such as professor, department and prerequisites. The new system will allow students to select four course offerings for the coming semester. In addition, each student will indicate two alternative choices. No course offering will have more than ten students or fewer than three students. The system will cancel the course with fewer than three students. After registration process, the registration system sends information to the billing system. The bill of system will bill the student for the semester. The system will allow professors to indicate the teaching courses and to see the students signed up for the courses. For each semester, students can change the schedule during a period of time. Students will access the system during this time to add or drop courses.
Identify actors and use cases for the course registration system.
Develop a use case diagram.
(6 Marks)
Explain three advantages of unified modeling language.
(6 Marks)
Contrast the object oriented methods and the traditional software development life cycle.
(3 Marks)
Question Three (15 Marks)
The following is a summary for requirements of Automated Teller Machines (ATM);
Firstly the ATM is required to allow authorized card holders to make transactions; card holders shall view and print account balance. They shall also make cash withdrawals and make cash or cheque deposits. Card holder shall quit session.
Secondly, the ATM is required to allow bank members to access additional, specialized services such as order for statement and change security details (e.g. PIN number). Also to allow access to authorized bank staff to re-stock the machine and carry out routine servicing and maintenance.
Lastly, it will keep track if how much money it contains and alert bank staff when stocks are getting low.
Identify the objects in this case study.
Demonstrate the behaviour of the objects using a sequence diagram.
(8 Marks)
Describe the functions of the following UML diagrams:
(4 Marks)
Activity diagram.
Component diagram.
Outline the benefits of UML CASE tools.
(3 Marks)
Question Four (15 Marks)
Describe the phases and major deliverables of the unified process. (6 Marks)
Unified process is fundamentally iterative and incremental. Explain three benefits of this.
(6 Marks)
Outline the key elements of workflows in Unified Process.
(3 Marks)
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