Introduction To Business Information(Bbit 111) Question Paper
Introduction To Business Information(Bbit 111)
Course:Computer Science & Business Information
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2012
Instructions: Answer Question ONE and any other TWO.
Question One (30 Marks)
Name the major components of a computer and the function of each.
(6 Marks)
What are the FOUR different types of semiconductors memory and where are they used?
(8 Marks)
Distinguish between serial, parallel and massively parallel processing.
(6 Marks)
A software engineer requires a range of software utilities. Explain the usefulness of any FIVE such utilities.
(10 Marks)
Question Two (15 Marks)
List and describe the major input devices.
(6 Marks)
List and describe the major output devices.
(6 Marks)
What are the advantage of outsourcing of ICT services?
Question Three (15 Marks)
Define the following terms with regard to the study of systems.
(5 Marks)
System Theory
Closed coop system
List the properties that are characteristic of all systems.
(6 Marks)
Why is the study of system theory and control system useful?
(4 Marks)
Question Four (15 Marks)
Describe the various components of a system.
(10 Marks)
Define the following terms;
(4 Marks)
Define the term computer system.
(1 Marks)
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